
Excel’s power and utility lies in its accessibility for all comers to start compiling data and calculating results but as experience, and the occasional news article shows, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.  Our financial modelling courses focus on de-risking you and your organisation’s use of Excel through the application of standardised approaches to model built, by highlighting where the pitfalls lie and working with you to highlight the art of the possible.

Our financial modelling workshops build upon more than 20 years’ experience delivering financial models and teaching others to do just that.  There are two principal workshop formats we offer for clients who wish to develop their team’s modelling skills, and these can be tailored to meet your specific needs:

1 Introduction to Financial Modelling

Delegates on this course learn to create a 3-statement financial model (PL, BS and CF) and set up scenario manager to bring the model to life.  Delegates will calculate an equity valuation, cover basic debt financing, inflation, depreciation and taxation.  The course will also highlight all the efficiency steps you can take to speed up your model build.

2 Project Finance Modelling

Learn to build a project finance model covering the entire life of the concession – from the beginning of construction to the end of operations – which meets the requirements of 3 key stakeholders: customer / off-taker, senior lender and equity investor.  Two case study versions are available, one renewables focused, the other PPP in nature.

3 VBA for Financial Modelling (Online)

Some basic VBA coding knowledge can supplement your financial modelling skills helping you speed up model optimisation, control model operation or automate the steps needed to import and configure data for use in your financial model.  The VBA programming language offers far more than the financial modeller actually needs therefore this online tutorial focusses solely on the procedures that you as a financial modeller will most benefit from.  

[More coming soon]